The simple answer to this is no, not with my current listening environment and equipment. That said, I started looking at amplifiers because of my desire to upgrade to UHD, which would require me to upgrade my receiver. My exploration into upgrading my receiver has made me feel that separates are the better route, so that amplification and pre-amplification are separate purchases. Also so that each subsequent upgrade I am not repurchasing amplification, as I would with a receiver.
The speakers I am currently running are:
I live in an apartment and the room they are placed in is a living room, dining room, kitchen, and entryway combination with just a waist high bar/counter between the kitchen and the others. As for my listening levels they seem to be around 60 – 80 SPL, with 80 being rare and possibly and error/issue with the cheap radio shack meter I am using.
I can't mention every article and video I have referenced regarding this, but some are
AVS Forum,
Sound & Vision,
Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, And of course Audioholics.
Now I will start out with wattage which I have heard two different things about what it determines in sound. The first being that increasing the output power of an amplifier will give you cleaner and clearer audio. The second being that increasing the output power of an amplifier will just increase the maximum SPL value that can be output by a speaker. Now these two are not mutually exclusive, but if the second is true how would the first be true as well? I have also heard that it is not just the output power of an amplifier, but how much of that power it can drive without going into high distortion. Bu what is considered high distortion? I have heard numbers from 10% all the way down to 1%.
Now another bit of information I have found that I find quite puzzling is that speakers will normally only output sound a 1 watt of power most of the time. If this is true then why would you need more than 1 watt of output? And why do people go for amplifiers that output say 500 watts of power?