No need to get personal and start mocking me. I am just trying to show possible issues with their decision.
As I said before, Apple has a wonderfully maintained garden, which you apparently got sucked in, but it's tall walls will keep me out of it.
It's not about Apple vs Google, it's about open system vs closed. I value my device and vendor freedom. I value my media to be left alone. I am enjoying open markets and occasional tinkering of sideloading apps. I love how easy to transfer my CD ripped FLACs to my phone or expand storage with large capacity sd card.
I get it - most people don't care about these things and it's fine. Just don't get mocking me.
Coz, Enjoy you walled garden and defend Apple as much as you like. I'm outta this thread. It's ran it course a while ago.
It was not a personal attack, I am sorry you took it that way. Can I have tomatoes and carrots in my walled garden though
I will enjoy my Apple phone, and as someone who has used, and currently still does primarily android devices, my garden wall must have a door. As someone who uses a Surface Pro 4 over a MacBook, I must also have a window. (Windows 10 to be exact
) I also have 2 phones, Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge (Personal T-Mobile). I must also be sitting on the top of my wall, so I could fall either way
Some innovations work, some don't. Apple was a big proponent of Firewire, that really didn't hit the PC world much. I thought they were crazy when they were one of the first ones to remove the CD/DVD drive in their units, now everyone followed them. Also that they never supported blue ray drives, that annoyed me to no end until streaming and internet providers had enough bandwidth to make them obsolete.
There are two sides to every discussion, and none of it has to involve attacking the other. I also miss the large SD Card, I have a 256GB one sitting on my desk as we speak which was a give away with my Note 7. I also have never gone past 64GB on my phone and don't mind the $1.00/mo for ICloud Storage.
I am not biased towards one phone or the other, quite the opposite Phones I have owned;
EVO, EVO 3D, Motorola Photon, Droid Razor Maxx, Apple IPhone 4S, HTC One M7, HTC One M8, LG G3, Nokia Lumia Icon, Galaxy Note 4, Apple IPhone 6S, Galaxy Edge 7)
Android: 9 IPhone: 3
(Also various Blackberry devices since 2003, Palm Trio / Pre etc.) Dang u Apple for killing off the keyboard with touchscreen!
At the end of the day, I simply used the devices that work best for me or meet my needs. I explained my reason for going back to an iPhone for work. Enjoy your Google Phone, they work very well, my two IT guys use the current model and love it. You won't see me putting up multiple posts or cartoons bashing it, they make a good product.