Actually the old one is doubling dow it's power better in 4ohms
OLD amp 2x145 8Ω
max power 2x250 4Ω
NEW amp 2x100 8Ω
max power 2x160 4Ω
high dynamic power
8 / 6 / 4 / 2 Ω
OLD 220/290/360/460
NEW 140/170/220/290
You got me curious enough to download the manual of the AX-1090 and found the power specs to be:
Minimum RMS Output Power per Channel 8 ohms, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, 0.01% THD.........................................................145W+145W
6 ohms, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, 0.02% THD .........185W+185W
Dynamic Power per Channel (by IHF Dynamic Headroom measuring method) 8/6/4/2 ohms.........220/290/360/460W
DIN Standard Output Power per Channel [Europe model only] (4 ohms, 1 kHz, 0.7% THD) .........250W
Dynamic Headroom [General model only] 8/6 ohms......................1.81 dB/1.95 dB
IEC Power (8 ohms, 1 kHz, 0.01% THD) [Europe model only] .....................................................170W
The way it was specified, you have to read everything very carefully as they provided different "W" rating under different standards (IEC, DIN etc.) and operating conditions such as under different THD level. For example, the 250W into 4 ohm is for per channel, likely meant one channel driven only, and at a much higher THD or 0.7% and at 1 kHz, instead of the 145W+145W into 4 ohm rating that appears to be for 2 channel driven simultaneously; and at a much lower THD of 0.01%, and for 20 to 20 kHz.
In other words there is no sign of "doubling" down capability, not even close!!
The A-S3000, on the other hand has the power specified as:
8 ohm 20-20 kHz 0.07% THD...............100W+100W
4 ohm 20-20 kHz 0.07% THD...............150W+150W
No change in standards and operating conditions for both ratings, but if they were to specify it at 0.7% (10X) the distortion and at 1 kHz only, the 4 ohm output could possible come much closer to 200W, and then people may be led to believe that's "doubling down" when it really isn't.
I still think highly of the AX-1090, just want you to know it is not going to be as powerful as you may be led to believe from the published specs.