I’ve used mid-fi towers (Def Tech) for the last 16-18 years or so and would like to upgrade when my dedicated home theater/listening room is completed later this year. So I’m looking for suggestions on upper mid-range/low-end audiophile towers now so I know what dimensions I’ll need for the cabinetry that they’ll be housed in. I’d like to go back to true 3-way or 4-way traditional towers that are either ported or non-ported. If ported, I’d like the port to be front or down firing.
I’d like to keep the prices under $4500/pr., and power hungry/low ohm speakers won’t pose a problem.
Please list what other speakers you’ve auditioned besides the ones you’re suggesting.
I'm an unabashed Salk and Philharmonic Audio fanboy

. Dennis Murphy owns Philharmonic Audio and designs nearly all the Salk speakers. They all share a similar sound across the midrange, while delivering more bass depth and greater sound detail as price goes up. In the under $4500/pair price range, I suggest you look into these:
Salk Song3 – a new 3-way design. It can be built with a port mounted on the front or the rear. Standard price is $2900/pair.
Salk SongTower – I've owned these for 9 years and love them. See my signature line for a link to my listening impressions of them. Standard price is $2000/pair. They also can be built with front ports.
There are several variations of the standard SongTower that include ribbon tweeters instead of the dome tweeter, or different metal alloy midwoofers instead of the standard paper/reed composition woofers. These (
SongTower RT,
SuperCharged SongTower, or
Veracity ST) come at higher prices, but are still within your price range.
You should also consider the 3-way
BMR Philharmonitor bookshelf speakers from Philharmonic Audio. It can be built with front ports, but it requires a somewhat taller cabinet.
I have listened to a wide variety of speakers in these price ranges ($2k to $5k), and in my opinion, nothing comes close.