I have had my Pioneer Elite VSX-LX101 receiver for a little over a week now and overall have been happy with it. It replaced a VSX43 (that was damaged by a lightning strike) so I should be somewhat familiar with settings but then this is a latest release receiver. I also have this receiver setup as 5.1.
Problem (minor) is loudness of sound I can get. So far all I have replaced since this lightning damage, is a Sony smart tv and the Directv receiver. So when viewing DTV, loudness of sound is no problem, just turn it up and it is as loud as I need it. But when viewing from the tv smart app, either Netflix or Amazon Instant Video, I keep turning up the sound (via remote) and I cant get it loud enough. Oh, sound is not too low to hear it but just not loud (dynamic?) enough especially dialogue.
I did run MCAAA during initial setup and then I know how to increase center channel manually, but I thought maybe there was some other setting I needed to make. TIA