Lol! This isn't a conspiracy. It just flies in the face of what is becoming 'conventional', and shouldn't!
Set up takes time, therefore a market was created for 'Auto-setup.' The mistake was in calling it Room Correction. How can software possibly correct an unknown room, using unknown speakers, and be able to specify a master 'curve' to all those unknowns? Who's to say it is even the room that needs correcting? Basic tone controls can 'correct' a lot of problems, but apparently a couple knobs are now considered inconvenient!
I'll say it again: Moving the speakers, inches do make an audible difference, is the easiest thing the user can do!
But you must dedicate the time to achieve the best results. That's my 'sophisticated' method: Trust your ears to know what sounds 'good'. And when that isn't sufficient, in-depth measurements of the room are necessary to fully understand the truth of what is going on in that space. You can teach yourself from the wealth of knowledge on this site, or pay someone to do it for you!