

Too bad. Though all you have to do is pay off the bill and your credit will be even better! Get a second job to pay it off. (Work in a dollar store for a couple months, then quit! :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
all you have to do is pay off the bill and your credit will be even better!
Nope. Credit scores are developed over time with sustained on-time payments. Buying something and paying it off immediately will not improve your score. It may well be the best financial strategy, but it won't change your score.


Audioholic Samurai
Have had a major set-back. But, all is not lost. Have come out pretty good.
Good luck, man. Been there.

My old boss told me one day, "I saw your Ex driving a brand new Cadillac yesterday". I said, "I'm not surprised. I paid for that car". He said, "It's the best money you ever spent!".

Sometimes, maybe even usually, the best long-term financial decisions can be painful in the beginning. You're a smart guy. Good on you.


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks Char I sure am. However, it is going to be an expensive undergoing for sure. The stands I need are $400 a set! Then, now I really need a 2-channel amp. Might even consider getting a 3-channel instead. Got a long ways to go! But, at least I am on the right track!


Very nice looking speakers, congrats to your excellent choice! You probably do need an amp, but at what volume position you now have to set to when you feel like listening loud?


Audioholic Overlord
Too bad. Though all you have to do is pay off the bill and your credit will be even better! Get a second job to pay it off. (Work in a dollar store for a couple months, then quit! :eek:
Char, I really wished it was that simple. But, my situation is much more complicated than that. Am working on things as we speak. Trying my best to protect my credit. So far I am getting there.




Audioholic Overlord
Good luck, man. Been there.

My old boss told me one day, "I saw your Ex driving a brand new Cadillac yesterday". I said, "I'm not surprised. I paid for that car". He said, "It's the best money you ever spent!".

Sometimes, maybe even usually, the best long-term financial decisions can be painful in the beginning. You're a smart guy. Good on you.
Herb, been there on the divorce thing myself. It sure was no fun. In fact, have been there (2) times....LOL!!! Thanks for your kind words. It really is appreciated.




Audioholic Overlord
Very nice looking speakers, congrats to your excellent choice! You probably do need an amp, but at what volume position you now have to set to when you feel like listening loud?
Peng, the Linbrooks were sent back yesterday. I met Ty in my hometown and he picked them up. Ty refunded my money minus $95. Really had no choice as I have had a major set-back. However, already making some progress in dealing with it. YOU are also correct, the Linbrooks needed lots of clean power. My Denon X4000 did a decent job though. Due to my set-back, I do nOT have the funds for an amp and/or heavy duty stands. Fortunately, Ty was nice enough to take them back. For that, I am very thankful to him.




Audioholic Slumlord
I am so sorry that I missed a couple of your posts. I hope you will get something even better in your next opportunity.


Audioholic Overlord
I am so sorry that I missed a couple of your posts. I hope you will get something even better in your next opportunity.
Thanks Peng. So far, a few things are already working out. All is NOT lost just yet. More on that to come. Appreciate your kind words. It really does mean a lot.




Char, I really wished it was that simple. But, my situation is much more complicated than that. Am working on things as we speak. Trying my best to protect my credit. So far I am getting there.


Oh that was all tongue-in-cheek. I knew it was more complicated than that - as you said earlier. It's not like this is a financial advisory site so I wasn't expecting anything. We're all behind you on this.

I go for a long time drooling on stuff that I can't buy (and often can never buy) - so I know what you're going through on some level. Gotta have priorities.


Audioholic Overlord
Oh that was all tongue-in-cheek. I knew it was more complicated than that - as you said earlier. It's not like this is a financial advisory site so I wasn't expecting anything. We're all behind you on this.

I go for a long time drooling on stuff that I can't buy (and often can never buy) - so I know what you're going through on some level. Gotta have priorities.
Actually, may have something worked out in my favor. At least, for the time being. More to come on that one. I am down and out, but I am NOT done just yet! Appreciate your kind words. It really means a lot. Have a great night!




Audioholic Overlord
Hang in there man. I have been flat on my AZZ and I ended up better than ever afterwards.

It was about 20 years ago now and I filed BR, lost my house, vehicles, a business and a wife. I thought I would be better off dead for a minute and then quickly said eff that and I rebuilt myself.

I worked my tail off for the next 10 years, meet and married the most perfect woman ever, watched my career soar and now I have just coasted the last 10 years with great money almost coming in on it's own, my loving wife and more material things than we need but a fat wad in savings and invested.

No matter how bad it looks or seems, you will get out of it.


Audioholic Overlord
Hang in there man. I have been flat on my AZZ and I ended up better than ever afterwards.

It was about 20 years ago now and I filed BR, lost my house, vehicles, a business and a wife. I thought I would be better off dead for a minute and then quickly said eff that and I rebuilt myself.

I worked my tail off for the next 10 years, meet and married the most perfect woman ever, watched my career soar and now I have just coasted the last 10 years with great money almost coming in on it's own, my loving wife and more material things than we need but a fat wad in savings and invested.

No matter how bad it looks or seems, you will get out of it.
Greg, thanks for your words of encouragement. I also filed BR back in late 2004 and went through a quick divorce. But, ever since then I have worked very hard to rebuild my credit. Have done very well. Have hit a major snag in the road, but I will be damned if I am going to just give up. Was out there today working on making things right.

May have done some good doing just that. Plan to be back out there again on Wednesday accessing my options. Have moved some of my debt around to at least get out of paying any interest until November 1, 2017! Also, should have another credit card paid off. Right now, things are already looking better given my situation. Will reveal more on that very soon. Things are looking up somewhat for the time being.

YOUR words of encouragement really means a lot Greg. Many of YOU all here have done just that. I really do appreciate it. As bad as things are, they could easily be worse. Just very thankful for what the Good Lord has given me. Right now, I will remain positive and keep my chin up!




Audioholic Samurai
Great attitude Phil! Keep at it, the shift seems to be happening quicker than expected.


Audioholic Overlord
Great attitude Phil! Keep at it, the shift seems to be happening quicker than expected.
Thanks a bunch Ken for your kind words. Lets just say that I am certainly moving in the right direction. Hope to make more progress before the weeks end. Taking some time to reflect has also been helpful putting things into perspective so to speak. Not just going to give up. Just like the song says "I got a lot fight left in me". ;);););)



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