Research study is watermarked, and cannot be circulated. But to check ur self go to any independent warranty service center and check to see what brand AVRs are sent in most frequently for warranty repair...
Just my $0.02...
Did you mean "copyrighted" rather than watermarked? I didn't expect to see the entire survey, just some results posted SOMEWHERE. Without that, your reference to the survey is nothing more than conjecture.
There are no independent
warranty AVR service centers anywhere near me. Even if there was, chances are better than not that they would be under a directive from the manufacturers they serve to not divulge such competitive information. I could be an Onkyo rep visiting a Denon-Marantz contractor trying to get inside info.
I'd just love to see ANY objective study on modern (last 10 years or less) consumer AVR product reliability or service frequency, preferably that's referencing number of units sold to number serviced.