Well, this is now showing up in the national news outlets. For those of you who haven't heard, this is what it's about.
The city of Charlotte passed a law requiring every business with more than 15 employees to provide a bathroom for transgender people. (That's people of one sex who dress and act like the other sex, actual surgery or not.) This could be a one-person bathroom, available to anybody.
The NC Legislature passed a bill that the Governor signed into law. It said a city cannot place such a requirement on private businesses, and if only Men & Women bathrooms are available, people must use the one matching the sex on their birth certificate.
The LGBT and liberal communities say the law is discriminatory. A transgender person should be able to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify. Obama's White House agrees and is threatening to pull federal funding for the University of North Carolina system.
The Governor and conservative communities say the law is not discriminatory. A man dressed like a woman should not be allowed in a girl's bathroom with our daughters and wives. The Governor has sued for a ruling in federal court.