Folks, been playing around with the REW Room Simulator today. Seems that I have gotten the hang of it now. Not real sure how accurate the results are. But, it appears that if I add a 3rd PSA S1500 it would NOT be a good idea to place the 3rd nearfield just to the left of my LP. I get the flattest response by placing all (3) S1500's up front. One in each corner and the third about half way directly behind my tv stand. Seems kind of a weird place, but it allows for the flattest response at my LP. Does that seem logical? Or should I take the Simulator with a grain of salt? Any thoughts?
If I place a 3rd S1500 behind my tv stand, then that will shorten the distance to the LP. Any benefits in doing that? Right now my LP is about 9.5' from my front-stage. As such, my LP will be about 20" shorter or ~ 7' 10". Not too sure how that would work. Was hoping to place the 3rd S1500 more nearfield. Any suggestions? Comments?