Excited this could resolve my video questions. Been reading about them this afternoon and many varieties and cost range. StarTech's site had several options. Would you be able to recommend video matrix switch? The house will be wired for CAT Cable. Would I be looking for 4x4 HDMI Matrix Video Switch
Just Add Power, Zektor, Vanco- many brands to choose from. I would design for additional sources and video displays but 8x8 would be excessive. 6x4 might be worth looking at.
If you plan to stay there for any length of time, make sure to include some way to add cabling in the future- even if you never use it, it will save an incredible amount of time in the event that you need to replace/add/move cables. Flexible plastic conduit, secured to a junction box near the other cables (farther from the power wiring) is a good way, even if it's only stubbed into a basement, crawl space or attic. Make the path as simple and as straight as possible. If you can, create a "head end" for everything and branch out from there. This is usually called 'structured wiring' when it involves voice, data, CATV, control and other infrastructure. You may be able to locate the brains of the matrix close to the AV equipment so your HDMI cables will be as short as possible, but no so short that they're hard to work with or the whole cabinet is jam-packed.