Ever since hearing Dolby Atmos in a movie theater a couple years back, I have been waiting to upgrade my 7.1 home theater. I almost jumped in when Atmos for home first came out, and I started looking at where I wanted to put the speakers and all. Right when I was ready to buy a Denon AVR x5200w, DTS came knocking, promising all this great stuff, so much better than Dolby, so I figured, I can wait a little longer.
Well, not it seems, the wait has really been for nothing. I have now seen 3 or 4 reports saying how great DTS-X is, and the better Neural-X vs DSU etc. but it all just seems like people wanting to prove they were right.
I just joined this site after following the threads for over a year and I just had to step in and say my 2 cents here.
Audioholics blasted Dolby for Atmos right out of the gate, even without hearing it, said it was a gimmick. And totally joked abut the up firing speakers. Fine, have some fun. Dismiss something you have not tried, all that. But then when you listened to it, you said it was DOA already, still a joke. The upfiring sort of work, but not as good as overhead. Have you guys heard a room with the new Klipsch Atmos speakers? I was all set to cut holes in my celing, but WOW! the Klipsch ones really work. I thought the KEF and Pioneer were even pretty good, but those were not quite enough to make me go with it. I am still leaning toward putting real speakers up there, and I have an open attic space to work with, so easy wiring. I have to run a new cable to my projector anyways. After a year of saying Atmos is not worth it, DTS-X announces their copy of it. And let's face it, they jumped the gun and shouted we can do it too. Yeah, they may have showed earl prototype stuff before Atmos was out, but it was not ready for prime time. and even now, with a year of delays, there are reports of odd bugs with the rushed out DTS-x firmware. I think DTS had to try something way before they were ready to hopefully slow down people from buying AVR's that would not be able to upgrade to DTS-X. And that did happen. I was one of the fools who decided to not buy and see what was coming. And maybe I can thank them a little, because maybe the HDMI and HDCP update will be helpful, even if my great 1080p projector is just 1.4a.
But holy crap, just the mention of the letters DTS, and the people here at Audioholics wet their pants at how much better it was going to be than what Dolby had been doing for over a year. All this talk of the dialog level control and ANY SPEAKER PLACEMENT!!! Whoo Hoo. And when it finally shipped, what did we really get?
It uses the same speaker position you already had available for Dolby Atmos. Big surprise. The only added one is it will use the side height speaker position, if you already paid for the Auro upgrade. I guess that is new. In the real world, the number of true rendered positions for DTS-X is less than the 34 positions Dolby Atmos can place a speaker. I read somewhere DTS-X does "know" 32 positions, but 2 are sub woofers, and 3 are below the screen. And the rest are basically 9.1 rings stacked. With Atmos, it is also limited by what the AVR makers give you access to. It has a ring of 24 positions around you. I really hope they put that accessible to the end user in some way. Find which 15 degree step is closest and use it. DTS-X is more like 40 degree steps at best. If I am wrong, show me the white paper of what it can really do.
On review on another site, they measured the volume of the sound out of a height speaker, and since it was louder, they proclaimed DTS Neural-X was better than true Dolby Atmos, WHAT???
I don't really care about up mixers, they are all a mixed bag, some sound good on some sources, some don't. The more it tries to steer around, the more likely of an odd artifact. I want to hear the Native immersive sound, I heard in the theatre, and that is what Dolby Atmos is bringing. The lead that DTS caught on Blu Ray was nothing to do with it sounding any better. It was cheaper and faster for studios to use it, and thanks to the far higher bit rate DTS used to have on DVD's with Lossy codecs, they had a following. DTS HD MA and Dolby True HD are both bit for bit lossless in their 5.1 and 7.1 configuration, so if they encode the same mix, they will sound THE SAME. In fact, they sound also be completely indistinguishable from the same sample rate and bit depth uncompressed PCM tracks. The only difference is that the Dolby codec usually has a -4 db dialog offset setting so with no change, the DTS track plays 4 db louder. And many people said it sounds fuller, well, turn it to the same level when you switch the source.
Add in the new Object based audio. Dolby has been completely open about wha tit does and how it all works. DTS-X, "ours does it all, and more, and does it better". So we all waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally, the first sort of working firmware is out, and the new....
OMG! it is so much better, so glad we waited, how did we live without this?
Well, until people really started to listen to it. reports of poor separation, background noise, buggy UI. Possibly not even being objects at all, and really just 11.1? And comparing 2 or 3 movies in DTS-X that don't have a comparable Dolby Atmos version is like comparing the audio quality of a Beethoven DVD-A title to something from Rush on SACD. Both could be fantastic examples, but how can you say if the recording medium had anything to do with it?
From my listening to "American Ultra" yes, it has A LOT of sound in the tops, but I did not hear much separation at all. It was just sound coming out of everywhere with a little bit of panning. "Mocking Jay 1" in Atmos is a completely different experience. Little sounds all around, totally discrete at times, and flowing around you at other times, the mix is wonderful. Even played in 7.1, "Mocking Jay 1" is an amazing track. That was how I heard it for a long time as I waited on upgrading my room. I am so glad I was able to go hear an upgraded 7200 now, and know that I will no longer be worried if my choice will ever have DTS-x in my room. Instead, I want a box that will do 13 channels. I really want a ring of 9 and 4 heights. I waited this long, THANKS, I can see what is in the next batch.
DTS pushed out a "not ready for release" beta product, with a bunch of false promises. And yet people are still raving they will be better than what Dolby can do... I just don't get it.
I am not some Dolby loyalist. I let my ears and wallet decide what really works. When I first saw talk of SRS Labs MDA project, I actually though, wow, something is coming that will push Dolby and DTS out of the spot light. I think that first article on MDA was back in 2012. It was ground breaknig, before Auro or Atmos made it into a theatre. It seemed like a holy grail to mix sound for movies and music. But before the year was out, Auro made it's debut, followed by Dolby Atmos in the Cinema. No word from SRS. Then DTS bought SRS and spent 3 years trying to make MDA work. And here we are.
Who has the ability to make a nice immersive object based mix, and have it encoded in Auro, Atmos, and DTS-X. from the same mix, with no other processing? Let's really see what the codec can do. Obviously, the mix may not be able to be identical, but if you look at what the mixing consoles can do these days, it should be pretty close. Take a look at the web site for Harrison.
can't post a link so you know what to add to this
: / / harrisonconsoles /site/objectpanning h tml
So it seems prety easy to make an Atmos and Auro version. And if DTS-X / MDA is really object based, it should be easy to output to their encoder as well.
And one last funny thing here on Audioholics.
Dolby was totally dumb for even suggesting the upfiring speakers, yet DTS is praised that they can also use them. Hmmm. If they are really so bad, wouldn't they not allow it, if it is so much better? Or now, you will say, DTS can even do Dolby's HRTF better than Dolby, yeah, that's it.
I know, this is my first post here and I had to vent for this long. I sat on the side lines groaning. Hoping this DTS-X was really going to bring new capabilities and get my 9.1.4 up and working sooner, but no go. The vapor ware just got shoved out as a buggy beta.