I don't think cone material makes a difference for this application. If you were going to cross the sub over extremely high, maybe they would, but that would be crazy, of course, and you would want to be looking at mid-bass drivers at that point. The difference cone composition makes would come about in higher frequencies. As for cast basket vs stamped steel basket, I have read that mostly only makes a difference past a certain amount of excursion.
Here is a very good article about this stuff. There are examples of subs which have paper cones and stamped baskets which also have excellent performance. For a higher excursion driver, I would be looking at cast baskets.
As for ringing in SVS's older analogue amps, I don't know about that, but anytime you put in filters, you introduce group delay and phase issues. It doesn't matter if it is analogue or digital. Digital might give you finer control to mitigate these issues. What matters is, is it audible? I would guess not, especially after room acoustics and any equalization has taken their toll. I wouldn't be worried about the SVS subs. If that is a concern, I would definitely go for the SB2000 over the SB1000; when you compare their responses you can see the SB1000 is using a high pass filter, but the SB2000 exhibits a more natural roll-off which looks less interfered with by filters. Note the
group delay of the older SB12 NSD which uses a strict high pass filter vs the
SB13 Ultra's group delay which doesn't have that stringent low pass filter. It also shows up in the impulse response measurements.
Are 2 ULS-15s overkill in a small apartment? Hell yes! Still, it would be a killer system, I know, because I am listening to such a system right now! Honestly, you would probably be fine with two L12s or SB2000s, but, like I said before, in your choices it is hard to recommend anything else because the ULS's are so badass. In a small room, I bet you would be looking at low distortion even at THX Reference levels, at least for bass. You say the VTF3 mk3 is the best sounding sub you have heard, well I have two VTF3 mk3s, and two ULS-15s, the ULS-15s are definitely the better choice for music.