My Cambridge Audio Azur 640R AVR's DSP board has failed, I think. The only source of music that plays is 2ch analog direct , that is my CD player and the unit's radio tuner, also only in analog 2ch 'direct' mode. All digital sources play dead. If anyone has a different theory on what's failed please advise
The unit is 6 years old, heavily used (say 10000 hours). It's serves my needs well, I don't need to upgrade. All that said, should I fork out $200-300 to repair it, with hopes I could get another 4-5 years out of it , or is 4-5 years dreaming and I should move on?
The 640R specs say 2 x 120 watts per channel, 8 ohms and 7 x 100 watts/channel, 8 ohms but it's been tested much higher (Techrader tested 170W 2ch, 150w 7ch) A replacement would need same power or preferably more (I have Paradigm Studio 100's v2 in front and Studio 20's in rear) I figure equal or more power is going to cost me $1500 or more, which I'd sooner spend on something else, hence my dilemma .