I'm all for confronting China's Pacific expansionism, but we should avoid any defense pact that might lead us into a land war in Asia.
You’ll get no argument out of me on that point but our existing defense treaties with Japan/Philippines/South Korea must be honored, otherwise China will view that as an opening to divide and conquer. Obama may be dithering with the Middle East/Russia but he correctly has swung the pendulum in the right direction I believe. Emerging markets and the population growth in the East demands it, if we are to continue as a world power and a viable economy for our own burgeoning population growth (322.3 peeps vs. 186.5 mil in 1962). You can’t project power or conduct a war with China without staging areas and bases, like we currently do in those 3 countries, from Hawaii. Even though the Subic Bay Naval/Clark AF base(s) were returned to the Philippines in 1992, they changed their tune in 2012 when China started getting more aggressive. The US Seventh Fleet is back, along with the Marines and Air Force, at the request of the Philippine government. Even the expulsion fever in Okinawa has been dialed back with the Japanese, as of late.
It’s highly unlikely that the US would sign a defense pact with the Vietnamese anyway at this time unless we get unfettered access to their markets and the Vietnamese Communist Party shows no sign whatsoever of loosening their grip on power to institute democratic/economic reforms, so those two conditions right off the bat are unlikely to be met and makes the likelihood of a pact moot ...
at this time. Politics and war make strange bedfellows.
The geopolitical similarities between modern day China and pre-WWII Japan are eerily the same. An expanding dynamic economy with a growing military combined with a nationalist government with a lack of access to natural resources (oil, minerals, etc.) and the USA in their way.