What step gets the most bang for the buck to get significantly better sound quality? Will going from a Yamaha RX-V3800 to an Outlaw 5000 (keeping the RX as a pre/pro) make a significant difference?
Reasons to upgrade to separates:
In Paul Scarpelli's Nov 06, 2015 article, "What Makes the Biggest Audible Differences in Home Theater?" he states, "My opinion of receivers is you should only use one until you pay off your student loan. I have heard few that rival even modest separates. Because of this comment, I expect to be rudely pummeled in this thread in the Audioholics forum. There are exceptions, though, most notably the behemoth flagship receivers from Denon and Yamaha."
Reasons NOT to upgrade to separates:
However, in reviewing this forum, I've seen a few threads where contrary to the above some have said, going from some specific high-end integrated receivers to say, something like the Outlaw 5000 amplifier, would make no or very little discernable difference. I don't use any of the EQ or effects. I like clean and pure. I'm considering purchasing either an Emotiva amp or the Outlaw 5000, but don't want to waste my money on something will make little difference in sound quality. My dream is to some day have a system where you can't tell where the sound is coming from, as if the performers are in the room with you and the speakers become invisible.
Current situation:
The room is 14' x 17', carpeted with 9' ceilings. I've got RBH MC-6CT speakers and the MC616 center with JBL 4410 surrounds and a Velodyne sub in an heavily acoustically treated room. But, I've got a Yamaha RX-V3800 and I've wanted to get 5 channel separates for a long time, thinking they'd make a big difference, but didn't know what to get. Every time I research, I find an overwhelming amount of options. I figured on spending between $1k - $3k with a little flexibility to go higher if warranted. I don't care what the equipment looks like. I just want the purest sound possible. I don't use EQ or DSP room simulations (hall, anthem, etc.).
Many years have gone by and I still don't know what to get. I've thought of Emotiva. But the perfect situation would be a store that I could go to and do an A/B comparison of a bunch of amplifiers and buy the one that simply sounds the most transparent and makes me feel like the performers are live in the room with me. Fortunately, I now live in south east Florida (Boynton Beach). But even after being here for almost 4 years, I'm still lost as to finding a place that lets you hear a bunch of equipment (within my budget).
In conclusion, for my budget, is the Outlaw or anything else sonically worth the upgrade? Or, would I be better off upgrading the front main (or front 3 speakers)?
I'd greatly appreciate any specific answers.