TW, thanks for the recommendations. We did hit up the Listening Room, and it was pretty nice. Had a great vibe, especially given the other places we hit up during the durations. Tequila Cowboy, Honky Tonk Central (2 nights), Tooties, Wildhorses, and Acme. Probably some other places, but I don't remember them. I did have two delicious street cart hot dogs, which definitely helped calm the booze beast down a bit.
We had a beyond outstanding meal at The Stillery. Probably the best burger I've ever had. We hit up Monell's for breakfast one day, and that was pretty good too.
I can't believe how much traffic and construction is going on with Nashville. Reminds me of Vegas quite a bit, for better or worse.
I got to play some awesome guitars too at Carter's Vintage and Gruhn Guitars. I'll definitely head back to Nashville when I get the chance, although I'm about to stab my eardrums if I hear any more pedal steel.