It looks like a nice sub for music. Weak in the low end for HT. If you do not yet own it, you can do better for the money going with a company that primarily makes subs (like Rythmik, PSA, Hsu, SVS, Reaction Audio).
However, I'm sure it does a good job with music and will do a better job producing 30Hz to 80 Hz while unloading the deeper bass from the speakers and AVR. Be sure to use Audyssey or YPAO to EQ the sub in your room. Come back for setup tips because Audyssey will likely set your speakers to large and they should be set to small.
I don't know how the 5010 would compare against the V773 for power. I do prefer Audyssey to Yamaha's YPAO and most people like DynamicEQ (an Audyssey feature).