You just pointed out the main problem with deciding what's right for you based on what "they" say.
Your speakers do present a somewhat difficult load and, from what you say here, you can hear it's lack of power. You might want to consider a more powerful stereo amp, or a preamp and power amp. If you're gonna go for more power, go big. Baby steps won't do a thing.
but, in spite of the lack of power, it just might be the signature sound of the speakers that you are not comfortable with. They are fine speakers but all speakers are designed for their creator's taste, and tastes vary.
What's your budget for an amp, keeping in mind that you may wind up returning it. No amount of power can make a speaker you can't really live with better. That's a horse of a different color.
But, a GOOD sub can always find a place in any system. It won't do squat for the higs though.