So my tried and true Mitsubishi rear projection TV died and seeing how I have wanted to update the receiver in my dedicated theater room to do HDMI switching now finally seems like a reasonable time. I haven't decided on a replacement TV yet (a topic for another thread) but most likely it will be a 4k unit to keep from being in the same boat as I was with the Mitsubishi (only having a DVI input was a consideration keeping me from pulling the trigger on a HDMI capable receiver). I would prefer to stick with Yamaha as I am familiar with their product line (I have a RX-V471 in the living room) but would entertain other brands if they warrant consideration. The other thing I definitely do not want to do is go backwards power wise.
That sort of brings up my first question as trying to compare power output specs with my current RX-V1400 to any of the new receivers is sort of like comparing apples to oranges. From what I have read the manufacturers are having to pack so much "stuff" feature wise into the new receivers that power output is taking a back seat and they are getting creative in how they are rating them. From what I gathered I would be looking at least a RX-A2050 to be comparable power wise correct?
Assuming that I started looking at what that particular receiver is capable of and initially thought about simply bi-amping my front speakers. Reading more about Dolby Atmos intrigued me but my ceiling is only 7' and my surrounds and rear surrounds are mounted pretty high. It would be a pain to relocate them or add ceiling speakers but a 7.1.2 may be doable with a pair of RP-140SA Elevation speakers.
For reference here is a thread detailing my theater build
I would be interested in any thoughts
Reciever: Yamaha RX-V1400
HDTV: Mitsubishi 65" WS-65313
Main speakers: Klipsch RF-52
Subwoofer: B & W ASW600
Surrounds: Klipsch RS-25
Rear surrounds: Klipsch RB-51
Center channel: Klipsch RC-52
DVD player: Yamaha DVD S540
DirectV reciever: HDDVR HR20-700