Some sad news. My neighbor across the street walked outside yesterday morning and came over to Niki and I. Niki loves her, so I thought she was coming out to say "hi." When she said that she wanted to catch me, I knew something was wrong. She was watching our other neighbor's pooch, Leah, while the neighbor was gone. Leah passed away. She had collapsed and later passed at the emergency vet. My neighbor was torn up about it, saying that if she had only gotten back from work earlier maybe Leah wouldn't have been alone so long. I hope that she can get past the guilt, as it wasn't her fault. Leah was full of life and always running around, and there was no reason to think that something like this would happen. I didn't know Leah well because she didn't get along with other dogs or men, but it's very sad. I can't even imagine how my other neighbor (Leah's friend) is feeling. They had been together for over nine years.