A number of years ago, Kal Rubinson was reviewing a multichannel amplifier from Adcom. As part of his review, he hooks up the amp to his speakers using one of the scores of cables he has been given by various companies. Lo and behold he found the amp was unable to drive his speakers as it kept shutting down. Bad amp? Well, yes and no. Switching out the cables for something else took care of the problem. Using the problematic cables on some other amp did not result in a shutdown.
When he contacted the cable manufacturer, he was informed that this problem, while rare, is not unknown. To rectify the phenomena, they had a contraption consisting of a resistor and capacitor that one could attach to the amp along with their cable, a Zobel circuit if you will.
The cable manufacturer was Alpha Goertz. They make and sell a line of flat cables made from copper or silver.What is unique about their cables is the two conducters are separated by a thin dielectric. The result is that the inductance is vanishingly small but the capacitance is quite large.
The stated advantage of such a design is a negligible effect on FR because of the trivial inductance.
Not so much nowadays, but I've heard about similar amp problems where they shut down with certain speakers. Invariably those speakers have an impedance profile that have ever decreasing phase angles at higher frequencies indicating they're presenting a more capacitive load.
A number of years ago, I was reading through Frank Van Alstine's writings from days gone by. He had written that when he tested a Bedini tube amp by adding a small amount of capacitance to the speaker outputs it wet into cardiac arrest. Given these are the fols who make the Bedini Clarifier, one might expect that while clever, they're pretty stupid when it comes to electronics.
What I'm getting at here, Gene, is that it would be my strongest recommendation for you to purchase or obtain by other means something like 4 meters of Alpha Goertz flat cable and let that be a litmus test for when you do an amplifier review. It would provide an indication of the amp's stability into a capacitive load.