Build thread, Dayton RSS390HO 3.4Cu Low Tune



After research, input from community members, some fiddling, simlulations lots of thought and what not I decided on trying this out because I really wanted to try it, at my own peril and amusement I guess.

Cabinet is restricted in size by floor and room estate so it's quite 'small', tuning is quite low at 18.5Hz and is leaning towards EBS rather than normal fs-tuning. Frequency response in room according to the measurements I've taken will be just about right with this tune. Port velocity will be maxing out at 19 meters per second when xmax is hit at 14Hz... I doubt that will be much of an issue. Port velocities above 20Hz is below 15m/s. Even group delay is looking good above 20Hz, for what it's worth.

I will be using a full cabinet width slotted port with nicely flared endings and internal baffle and nice bends to keep chuffing and noise down. I will be bracing both the cabinet and the slotted port. Double baffles will be used behind the driver for extra reinforcement. Simple but end joints, dowel pins and glue will hold this sillyness together. It will be sealed with Tec7 and use a custom cut out cork/rubber seal behind the driver.. I think that's more or less it? I'm also building a pair for speaker stands while I'm at it.

Pictures, drawings and what not will be coming soon enough if anybody is interested.


It's coming along slowly, I'm having an injured back and caught a cold 2 days ago. And the workshop is a bit off, so I have to go by car there. I'll throw up a few pictures later today when I go to the workshop.

EDIT: What the hell, I took some half crap cellphone pictures last time I was at the shop.

So this is a part of the shop I'm working in, a friend of mine is sharing it with me. Got most of my tools there since I live in an apartment in town.

Yeah, we got all the goodies here... Well stocked.

More workshop and shameless display of my friends just finished hobby project.

All major parts cut up and ready to go with some minor adjustments.

Starting to align the internals and trying to get an idea how it's going to work out in the end, will this even work..? Meh, hope so. :) It's not an expensive build so it's an learning experience for sure.

It'll be playing with these two I just finished.

Never mind the cable mess.. I just moved out several pieces of furniture and things are kinda cramped on space so the amp had to go on the desk or the floor.

Filters are still in the auditing stage, but doing pretty well I think.
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Not much happened today except that the table saw decided life was not worth living anymore... So that kinda sucked, hand sawed the rest of the pieces, precision.. lol, hardly. Works? Hell yes.

So progress was slow today the 2 hours i spent in the shop, added the main support brace (A for Awesome?) and the last parts for the port. Also sealed the joints around the port with Tec7, don't do like me and get the stuff on your hands.. sticks to just about anything. Humans included...

The insides are not going to be winning any beauty contests with all that black Tec7 splatted around.

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Very nice! Is that Seven 280?
Thank you. ^^
No, but close I guess. It's an Great British Sportscars 'Zero' Kit, he built and painted it himself... He slaughtered a poor ford in the making of it. Very nice car, if I had the funds and passion, I'd love to build one as well.

For now, a sub will have to do! ;)

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