You need a single point ground. If you are powering components from different circuits (circuit breakers) and assuming all are grounded plugs (separate ground terminal) you can break the ground where it runs into the AC outlet and run the ground from that piece of equipment to a plug strip that the rest of your equipment is pluged into. I simply use a grounded plug with only the ground wire connected. I have equipment on three different circuits (two different 120 VAC circuits and one 220 VAC circuit for a big emotiva power amp). Doing this got rid of the hum on the speakers driven by the emotiva and hum on my sub-woofer (second 120 VAC line). All my other components are pluged into a 120 VAC power strip with grounded plugs. Note that these components contain an htpc with tuner card so a coax is plugged into the htpc. Also note that the htpc, emotiva upc-200 preamp, and my projector are on UPS's plugged into the power strip (the UPS's are needed since if there is even a short power glitch the htpc, preamp, and projector would not automatically restart after the glitch goes away and it also takes about 30 sec for the computer to boot up).