What brands if controls are you referring to? I don't think I have ever seen one that uses common negative, although I didn't check the ones we used in the late-'80s and most solid state amps wouldn't have a problem with that, anyway. Obviously, it doesn't mean it would work with all amplifiers. I just did some repair work at a restaurant and the control uses auto-transformers; when I measured continuity between the Negative terminals, it was open. I don't usually use the resistive type.
I did not look at brands. I looked at some impedance matching auto transformer circuits and some have the negs bonded.
We have not had this issue before to my knowledge.
There are not quite a few chip amp devices that can be bridged. The reason is that one chip can be a stereo amp or two can be a more powerful stereo amp. This is recent.
In the normal situation there is no reason not to common the negatives since in the vast majority of amps the negative is at ground plane.
May be these control manufacturers have taken these developments on board, but I would bet not all have.
So if you have an amp using bridged chip amps, you had better be careful what you connect it to and check for connected commons.
Obviously this has been an issue, because of the amp manufacturers warning.