There has always been an ongoing debate about the sonic characteristics of tweeter dome materials. Do metal dome tweeters really sound "harsh," as some claim? Do silk domes sound, well, "soft" or "silky"?
Different materials do have different physical properties as it relates to diaphragm performance and these can and do influence the audible behavior of the driver. With full knowledge that many well-respected designers and engineers have opposing views and opinions on the subject, there are a few basic generalizations that can be made about different tweeter dome materials.
Soft dome tweeters are typically made out of fabric or silk material.
Hard dome tweeters (aka. Metal domes) are typically made out of aluminum, titanium, ceramic, or the more exotics like Beryllium.
We discuss these points in our recent YouTube Video below.
Also check out our article on:
Soft vs Hard Dome Tweeters
Let us know which you prefer and why.