I believe the worst dome tweeters are metal. I also believe the best dome tweeters are metal.
A metal tweeter has the potential to be harsher than a soft-dome could ever be and would suggest avoiding cheap speakers with metal tweeters.
However, metal also has the potential to sound better if properly designed. I have to believe a soft dome has lots of extra "breakup" waves rippling across it's surface. It is, after all, fabric and you cannot expect it to stay as rigid between the motor and the surround as metal can. Fortunately, it never calls attention to itself the way a metal tweeter that breaks up inside the audible frequency range does.
I don't know every company that uses Be tweeters, but I have to believe there is a reason why it is the material of choice among manufactures such as Paradigm, Focal, TAD, and Status Acoustics for their premier product lines with domed tweeters.
The best "value" execution of a metal dome that I am aware of is the Energy RC-10 which goes for about $230/pair when on sale at Frys (about every 6 months, it seems). It is an aluminum dome, but is largely clean to my ear (as in I'm not sure I would hear the difference if I didn't have a good Be tweeter sitting next to it to compare it to).