I have the same issue and am looking at Gallo Micro's or Cambridge Minx.
I checked out these and notice the following specs for the Cambridges:
Minx Min 11: 150Hz-20kHz
Minx Min 21: 120Hz-20kHz
One of the criteria by Dolby is full range speakers.
I found these:
Simplifi Audio flat box speakers
Mini: 70-25K
Which have mounting and cabling issues...
Or these that use a bracket that I don't like either...(fail to provide a sound and vibration free base for the speaker, like securing the speaker flat to the ceiling would)
See visualapex dot com.
I have been looking at another strategy, using surround speakers and even considering dipolar speakers.
See for example these:
Defitive Tech speakers
Again though, these have mounting and cabling issues as well.
I am also toying with simply having a local wood carpenter make up a bracket base that can serve as the secure foundation and provide the space behind for cable lugs. Frankly though I just don't understand why no speaker manufacturer or indeed Dolby themselves haven't engaged with speaker designers to address this requirement of the Dolby Atmos system.
Typical installations I've seen to date have either been by building a false ceiling to mount in-ceiling speakers or use brackets that look ugly and create a speaker that hangs off the ceiling like they do in a cinema setting. Neither of these account for our application requirements and meet anyone who lives in a rented property's (apartment, house, whatever) needs.
This site prevents me from inserting the actual website addresses.