This reminds me about the never-ending debate I used to hear in the days before solid state, about amplifier warm up. How long should vacuum tubes warm up? Among some, it seems, warming up your amp for longer time periods allowed you to claim being a truer audiophile.
Years ago when I first started working in biochemistry labs, a standard lab tool was a UV/visible light spectrophotometer. These instruments have a strong a stable light source, a tungsten bulb for visible light, and deuterium bulb (similar to a vacuum tube) for UV light. There was also a similar debate about how long you should warm up the deuterium bulb before using it. Most people didn't worry too much and allowed about 10 minutes warm up. We got a new smart-ass guy in the lab who swore we were all wrong — he wouldn't work on it unless it warmed up at least 30 minutes – an hour was better.
Eventually, we got a new spectrophotometer. It had a built-in electronic temperature sensor on the deuterium bulb, and recorded the temperatures on a spreadsheet. It soon became clear that the bulb's temperature leveled out between 1 and 2 minutes after switching it on. Even 10 minutes was overkill