You know what goes great with music? Drinking whiskey and relaxing.
You know what does not go so great with turntables? Drinking whiskey.
One good bump while going to lift the tonearm, and my new Denon DL-110 is toast. Completely crushed the tip on the stylus.....nice way to lose $300 in a quick hurry.
That is all.
Intoxication apart, accidents do happen. The problem with MC cartridges is that the stylus in not replaceable.
Now the designers can also help avoid damage by sensible design. It is possible to give a measure of protection to the stylus.
Here is your pretty exposed stylus.
Here is an Ortofon SL 15/E MC cartridge from the sixties in my collection.
Now look at this current top of the line $4000 Ortofon cartridge.
They did not learn from their elders and betters, did they?
Shure have always had good protection.
Here is a stylus assembly from a vintage Shure V15 xmr, my favorite cartridge of all time. Even back in the heyday, that replacement stylus was around the price of your cartridge, so protection is a good idea.
Here is one of mine in use. In addition to the stylus shield the damper provides extra protection. In fact this guard dropping down when the arm is lifted would likely have prevented your accident.
Modern designers so often give me the pip!