If you have hard and fast notions about the efficacy of bi-amping or believe anecdotal listening sessions have no meaning, I suggest that you read no further because what follows will just upset you, and what's the point in that.
I have read the rational behind bi-amping have been in general agreement that it seems best to just get a bigger amp. Bi-amping with passive crossovers is often discounted but as has been pointed out, If there is no load there is no power used. So, the power benefit remains, though small and unpredictable. I came into this expecting no benefit and possibly a degradation.
The Salons 3x 8" woofers are crossed 24/DB per octave at 125Hz so that seems to be a good candidate for bi-amping.
In the past, I have tried bi-amping then with the Sunfire 7400 because I had the channels left over and really did not find any audible difference.
That was with different amp and preamp. At the time, I used the Onkyo PR-SC5507 bi-amped setting and later found that it degraded the sound. I am guessing that the processor engaged the DSP's to duplicate the signal which might have had side-effects. Bi-amping sounded better 5507 splitting the XLR's with a Y-cable.
Since I am considering mono-blocking the Salons with 2x A21's, I wanted to make sure that splitting the signal did not have a negative effect.
Only the right speaker was used with the system, swapping the speaker in and out of bi-amp.
The signal remained split to both channels even when using only one amp channel.
I also swapped channels cables so different channels and cables were used for the upper/lower frequencies.
There was a noticeable difference in the sound quality.
I cajoled and friend (who is a good listener) into a single-blind test switching between tracks and setups about 8 or ten times. It was not at all difficult to tell the difference. He described the bi-amp speaker as clearer and with more bass. I felt the same, a cleaner better defined upper end and with tighter (not more) bass.
The next day, I repeated the experiment with my friend, this time using the other (left) speaker and the results were the same; Clear up upper end and tighter bass. We also tried the A31, single/bi-amped with similar results.
During the single speaker tests the HA-1 was directly connected A21 with volume set to -18.
To rule out volume difference we tested the voltages with the HA-1 set to -30 (so as not to harm anything, including our ears) with the following results:
Tone: Single amp / Bi-amped High End/ Bi-amped Low End
100Hz: 2.48 / 2.49 / 2.45
250Hz: 2.49 / 2.49 / 2.52
1kHz: 2.49 / 2.49 / 2.51
This is to be expected and it rules out volume differences accounting for our observations.
I am not an EE but here are some theories:
- Bi-amped remained in Class-a for the upper section.
- The A21 and A31 prefer the load for some reason.
- There is an interaction between the crossovers that does not occur with bi-amped. They are close the 15 years old.
Of course, this proves nothing about the overall efficacy of bi-amping and that is not my purpose. My purpose is was to see if there may be a value with in my system to doing so. I am just about there. What I have is certainly very good. But, another A21 seems to be better.
As for JC-1’s, I would need an in-home trial before going there.
If these observations are due to class-a, then the JC-1 would sound as good or better. If they are do something going on in the Salons, then I the adding an A21 is the best choice.
For the record, I don't have any audiophile jewelry. BJC and monoprice interconnects, original Monster speaker cables, and standard power cables connected to two 20 amp circuits connoted to the a dual breaker. I am using a Kimber USB DAC cable, but that;s a story for another time
- Rich