so here what i have ::
Onkyo TXNR 818
front - Boston Autistic T-1000
Sur mid - POLK AUDIO FXI-6
Rear sur - Bose 301's
center- Elemental Designs A6-6T6
sub 2x 15" reaction audio sorry don't remember the model #
it said for THX SPEAKERS to be at 80hz i dont have thx speakers ?
the sub are great they can handle don't need alot of bass from other speakers..
i just want the beast sound i can get, i watch alot of movies....
for some reason the rear speakers are on but i can't hear alot from them.
i really want to hear thing behind me...kinda
i also have bose 901's hooked up to a Onkyo A9050 but that for my music..