Hi guys, I´m looking for some help with two JL 12W3v3. I've started a thread some time ago an finally build a sub box with the spacification annunaki gave for this sub: a 5.5ft^3 enclosure with a 2.5" x 16" vent 40" long. This tunes it to 21hz.
There's two problem with this box. One i the wife, when she saw the size of the thing I have to suspend the construction of the second box for the other 12W3v3.
And the second is that I've to adjust the amplifier power between music and movies to avoid damage to the sub. Wtih music I can go almost full power (Yamaha P3500S) but with movies (Ironman movie, the F-22 vs Ironman scene) If I don´t dial the power to half, I'm in serious danger of sub overexcursion.
Can you help me with both problems? Can I make the box smaller? how much SPL I'll loose? It would be better go sealed (TLS Guy modeled them but not very encouragin results)?
Thanks in Advance for your help.