I'm looking for new bookshelf speakers to replace my main speakers in my music/entertainment system, and I recently auditioned these two at a high-end store near DC, so I thought I'd share my findings.
The store had a great listening room with an amp that looked like a small nuclear reactor and a CD player you could use to stun an ox. Just so you have an idea what I mean by "high end." The salesman placed the KEFS pointing straight ahead, told me to take as long as I liked, and left the room.
Some of the things I'd read online had led me to believe that the KEFs were really desktop speakers, not designed for large rooms. This is not the case. For one thing, though not as large as many bookshelf speakers, they're still pretty big: they'd leave little room on my desk for anything else. Secondly, they have plenty of sound for a normal living room. I'm not a headbanger so I never tried cranking them up to painful levels, but for reasonable listening they're more than sufficient.
The KEFs had the most stunning soundscape I've ever heard. When I played a recording of Holst's Planets symphony, I felt like I could hear where every instrument in the entire orchestra was. However, I found them a bit too bright - violins especially sounded harsh, rather than natural. This really surprised me: after all the glowing things I'd read about the LS50s the last thing I expected was tonal issues.
The salesman set up the Revels toed in toward the listening position. They were more laid back than the KEFs - the violins sounded very natural. The soundscape was good, but not quite as impressive as the KEFs. It seemed smaller and less distinct. (It only occurred to me much later that this might have had something to do with the toe-in.)
I am by no means an audiophile, and I only spent an hour or so in the store, so all this should be taken with a grain of salt. Still, I thought someone might find it helpful, and I'm curious to see what other folks' opinions are.