I haven't heard the Pendragons, but I have the Tekton M-Lores. They sound good for what I'm using them for. I'm not sure how accurate and neutral they are as female voices seem to be more forward/prominent than in other speakers I've compared them to. They have plenty of great reviews, but few measurements are available. Most audiophiles here and on AVS write the Pendragons off as flawed designs. I'm no engineer so I can't say whether or not that is the case.
For their price, there are various speakers that I would purchase over them without first auditioning them. I've been quite fascinated with high sensitivity speakers recently: Noesis by JTR, Seaton offerings, GedLee, Pi and others. Whether Eric engages in sound design principles (no pun intended) is yet unknown; however, I'm not one to simply write something off due to lack of info.
TLS and others who are respected on these forums have made their opinions known, but keep in mind they aren't working with all the facts. Initially, various members erroneously identified the tweeters and said the design was flawed, but readjusted their assessments after more info came out (yet still believe the design is flawed). That well may be the case; I'd like to reserve judgment until we see some measurements.
With that said, I don't think I would blindly (deafly?) drop $4K on speakers I haven't heard. You can find glowing reviews for almost any speaker. The M-Lores I purchased for approx $600 and that was a blind impulse purchase. They also have a smaller driver than the Pendragons; nonetheless, if high sensitivity isn't what you're after, I'd look at offerings from Philharmonic Audio, Salk Sound, Ascend, Revel, KEF or any of the various other offerings which you can audition and have objective data available.
I have Philharmonic 2s (which sound amazing for music and HT), KEF LS50s (great near field monitors for my work office), EMP Tek E41s and Tekton M-Lores. My Phils sound the best of these speakers followed by the KEFs, but the M-Lores are a fun little speaker. Would I recommend them to others? The jury's still out for me as I haven't yet auditioned them enough (with my wife recently having a new baby), but I don't think they sound bad at all. It all depends on what you're looking for.
No one can say these are accurate speakers until they've been measured. If that doesn't matter to you, feel free to audition them or buy them if you trust others' subjective reviews. Jury's still out.