Funk Audio Line Array & 18.2 Subwoofer – Review



Junior Audioholic
Funk Audio Line Array & 18.2 Subwoofer – Review

My Theater: (Funk Audio Line Array and 18.2 Dual Opposed Subwoofer)

Images: From Funk Audio

Hello fellow Audioholics members,
I'm sure you guys have been waiting for a review of the Line Arrays from Funk Audio. I hope you enjoy this review... The previous build thread and details are listed below...

Company: Funk Audio

Designer: Nathan Funk
Builder: Nathan Funk (Line Array & Subwoofer)
Camera Man: Mark Kravchenko
Products: Funk Audio Line Array + Funk Audio 18.2 Subwoofer


Funk Audio Line Array Product Page:

Funk Audio Subwoofer 18.2 Page:

Line Array Build Thread


Final Line Array Video (Shows Completed Speakers and Subwoofer)

Funk Audio Video Playlist

Funk Audio Line Array Youtube Video from the First Video of the Playlist

My Channel: BlueKimchii

Funk Audio’s Youtube Channel

I have been very distracted by the Line Arrays & the Subwoofer. But here’s a full in depth review on my impression of the Line Array in combination with the Funk Audio 18.2 Subwoofer.

Introduction: How it all started

My adventure has certainly been a long one. It all started with a good speaker, the RC-70 built by Energy with a DLS-5000 Subwoofer 15” from Velodyne. Not satisfied and wanting more I ended up with 2 more pairs of Polk Bookshelves RTi A3s as surrounds. They are now sold along with the RC70s recently.

Before I have sold those speakers & purchased the line Arrays with the subwoofer, I have spent a significant amount of time looking into various manufactures. A few years ago, the first one to receive my visit was the HiFi shop in Vancouver. B&Ws, Rotels, Mclintosh Line Arrays. They were not something I want in mind in terms of performance. The next to receive my visit was Yana, another shop in Vancouver. This shop introduced me to Canton Speakers and the owners also allowed me a large amount of time to listen to speakers. They are something that produced better sonic accuracy & depth. This made me look into drivers and how they affects sonic performance.

I have explored some DIY projects mainly with SEAS, Scanspeak, Raal and a few other ones. Not for a long period but enough to get a point that these are very good drivers depending on how a person has implemented it. They are indeed world class drivers. This certainly did open up my point of view in the world of speakers.

Since budget was an issue, subs were something I looked at first. And after wondering around on the forums I ran into Funk Audio. I was wondering to myself, why the hell are these guys so darned happy? So I took the chance and went for a few hour drive to Halfmoon bay for a demo around June 2012. The 18.2 & dual 18.3s certainly left an impression of what clean bass should sound like.

Process: The beginning of the build

Two more years of digging around on the forums and finally getting projection. I finally decided to give Funk a go. The second visit was in June were I demo’d the 8.2Ps as well as the 6.1Ps. I was going to use SEAS drivers & Fountek but have decided to use Nathan’s Drivers because of their performance.

After a few times of changing things here and there and causing a heck of a lot of trouble I finally decided on what exactly I wanted. All these extras are to get the best. Curved cabinet, Faceplates. Koa for the top and bottom to tie everything together. I decided to grab the Subwoofer as well from Nathan since the Arrays are going to need something that is worthy of keeping up. Knowing what I experienced 2 years ago certainly was not something I would forget.

After about 3 months, they came in.

A bit of EQ and some measurements and they are complete!

Funk Audio Line Array Specifications:
Full Specifications here:

24 Mid-Bass Drivers
24 6.1P Planars
2000 Watts RMS (4x500 Watts) 4 ohms
15”Wide / 15” Deep” / 85” High

Funk Audio 18.2 Dual Opposed Subwoofer Specifications:
Full Specifications here:

2x TSAD18V2 (Currently operating at 1/2 Power on 120V 15A)
4800 Watts RMS (9600 Watts Peak)
(2x2400 Watts) 4 ohms
21" Wide / 22" High / 24" Deep

System Equipment List:
Premp / Processor: PT-7030
Speakers: Funk Audio Line Array (EQ’D) (2 Way Active)
Subwoofer: Funk Audio 18.2 (EQ’D)
Source: Computer -> HDMI w/Bitstream capability
Programs: Foobar (With and without WASAPI)

Visual & Physical Impressions:

The Arrays being 85” tall or 7’-1” made me look small. They are certainly impressive to look at. The Maple veneer is finished beautifully and produces an attractive chatoyance if the room is lit up. The Koa Veneer ties everything together like a set. The subwoofer is not much larger than my Velodyne Subwoofer. Definitely not as large as you would you would think. But it definitely is heavier at around 175 – 180 Pounds. The Koa on it is certainly very nice and has its own chatoyance. Moving the Line Arrays and Subwoofer by yourself is definitely is a bad idea. The impression when they first came in was… “Will these fit?” They certainly look much larger in person.

The Faceplate is beautiful with a wavy design. It finished beautifully along with the Custom Amp plate in the rear. It certainly looks very professional.


The speakers were positioned away from the wall and closer together for the optimal imaging. Other qualities of the sound such as Dynamics SPL, Detail and clarity was not noticeably effected during music playback at different placements. Although not as good as were Nathan had it at his place due to my more limited placement and time for optimizations. It is, however, quite close. With further tweaking would result similar performance in imaging. Distortion is also slightly lower in Nathan's although may not be audible.

The Line arrays had sharp imaging, Just like the 6.1P. The soundstage is enormous and has an enormous amount of depth when asked of it. The way it reproduces it is very realistic. These speakers do not have a small sweet spot. It has an enormous one. Sonically, the line arrays sound very similar throughout the room due to its very wide dispersion. The voices produced are accurate and pinpoint along with any other effect.
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Junior Audioholic
Dynamics and SPL Capability:

Up to 130dB on the Subwoofer as far as we tested.

There is no problems with SPL. The maximum I have had it turned up to was about 67 on my Pre/Pro. Everything at that point is shaking or our ears are starting to bleed & Distort. Running sweeps hurt and we are at our limit of how much we can tolerate. While running sweeps on the Subwoofer makes me question the structural integrity of the house and it’s actual “Dynamic Load” in acoustical terms ;)

When it comes to Dynamics, this speaker presents something that is untouched compared to what I have listened to. It makes music come alive without any noticeable distortion. It is truly dynamic. Many people mistake dynamics for a boosted treble, but this was not that. Drums are produced instantly like it should with all its impact. The power is felt and its effect is sudden and can surprise you. It is very much like a concert or live production. Vocals are also presented with great dynamic detail especially from sopranos. Poorly recorded recording will still sound better, however, the difference is clearly made in front of you…. The source as it is. Playing a recording of thunder also demonstrate truly how powerful this speaker is, it feels like it places you right in the storm. This wasn’t just from the bass which the 18.2 handled with ease. But on the speaker side with the crackling and the background sounds. I believe this should be a reference point for dynamics.


The woofers are integrated very nicely with the Planars. I did not any distortion what so ever. The details produced is quite phenomenal, violin, piano and all its harmonics/resonance are produced with great detail. It sounds like a real piano. Anyone that has played a piano would know what I mean. Detail is the last thing you worry about. The subwoofer is capable to reproducing all the little details within it frequency range with very little distortion at a very high SPL.


Many people worry about “flaws” of line arrays. There really is not if it is done right. A line array works very differently compared to your conventional speaker system. All of these have been solved by, Center to center mounting, Planars and Active Capabilities.

Time smearing is Inaudiable, reflections from walls often goes unnoticed and have significantly more delay compared to the distance between drivers.

A Line Array has the following Benefits:

1. Minimized vertical dispersion, this leads to better sound. Vertical dispersion is non-issue since it’s near ceiling height. Jump all you want but it will still sound the same ;)

2. Very very low distortion from the raw surface area of drivers, they only need to work 1/12 as hard which is less distortion from each driver.

3. SPL

4. High Sensitivity especially if active.

5. Easy to drive.

6. High Power Handling

7. Dynamics

8. Ability to be taken further to CBT if needed for the application

9. Decreases 3dB instead of 6dB per doubling of the distance resulting in less SPL Loss. This depends on the design.

10. Frequency extension

Music Impressions

Lee Hyori – 10 Minute

Codec: MP3 - 320
SPL - Around 85 peak of 87
Sherbourn PT7030 - 45

This song has a nice beat with bass.

The bass was around 125hz and gave a nice hit at around 125. It sounded effortless and powerful. The start of the song left things heard rumbling a bit around the room effortlessly. The speaker reproduced with a sense of ease and would ask to be played louder. The 18.2 naturally dug deep when needed while not calling attention to itself all at the same time while sounding very clean. The beat was accompanied with other deeper bass frequencies that kept up with the arrays with ease. Very very tight bass, it just feels like you want to keep listening because of the way it reproduces this effortless dynamic bass. The beat seems to explode out of nowhere. As for the vocals they were very clear, natural and well balanced and reproduced effortlessly.

Davichi (다비치) - Vivid Summer Edition
Codec: Flac
04. 외사랑
PT7030 - 43
SPL - Around 83, PEAKS OF 87

Every detail in this song was picked up effortlessly. Drums in the beginning were reproduced in great detail. The backing music was detailed was maintained while accurately reproducing vocals along with vocals that were layered on top of the main singer. Effortless, both crystal clear.

Lee Soo Young – 이수영 - This Time

Codec: Flac
04. 우미공주
PT7030 - 44
Average SPL: 81

This song was reproduced in a way the entire vocal range with ease. The vibrato was very clearly heard both in the low frequency and high frequency range and you definitely hear the emotion in the music. The quiet parts of the song were also easily generated.

Unbreak My Heart (Regresa A Mi)
Codec: Flac
Il Divo
pt7030 - 37
Average SPL: 70-80ish avg around 73-75

The vocals were delicately reproduced for each of the members. In many of the parts you can hear the breath very clearly. There is also vibrato that is reproduced very nicely for each of the voices. The "soundstage" is very wide and sounds grand and powerful. While every tiny thing can be heard easily effortlessly. It is like sitting in a concert.

The guitars were reproduced nicely.

Lead With Your Heart
The Tenors
Codec: Flac
PT7030 - 37
SPL: 68-75

Turned down the volume for the family around the house.

The dynamic vocals were reproduced beautifully. Around 3:03 there is tiny sound effects that are reproduced very well that generally aren’t produced with the same dynamics and ease. It would sound very powerful and emotional when needed. The dynamics on the speaker is phenomenal which lead to this effect. It is very hard to do a review because all you want to do is really just listen.

Track: Fight
Codec: Flac - 48000

Bells and vocals are clear while the trumpets and it's harmonics in the background are clearly heard. Studio track for the Ali trailer.

TEARS Of The DRAGON (Re-prise)
Codec: flac

Powerful drums and a nice melody ties this song together. This speaker and sub reproduces all that with the chorus without losing detail and power. The drums at the start can also scare people if you have the incorrect volume.

Audiomachine - Final Retribution Drums

Nathan scared himself with this one. I scared myself next. I now use it scare everyone else that comes for a demo. Volume is kept below 65 in general or things will start to get scary.

澤野弘之 - Mobile Armor
Codec: Flac

This is a soundtrack, drums are very clear on both the large, heavier and lighter hits. The dynamics were very large and draws you into the music. The ease that the line array reproduces it is amazing. Trumpets were clearly reproduced clearly in the background. String instruments are delicately reproduced. When there was a piano, harmonics/resonance from the piano were clearly heard, an accurate reproduction of the piano. They did indeed sound very powerful.

Overall Impressions

The speaker overall is highly dynamic, Revealing, and very accurate to the source. They produce sound that is very much like the real thing. When it comes to movies dynamics, they are also accurately reproduced with precision; every detail was reproduced with ease showing no signs of coming anywhere close to stress. The dynamics are astonishing, enough were it can actually scare you. Sometimes you may question how much louder it can actually go when the sounds keep getting louder and louder and you find yourself throttling back. Detail comes out naturally and beautifully, the integration is truly flawless. The 18.2 working the bottom end reproduced music and movies flawlessly. It stayed tight while giving a dynamic hard hit when needed. The accuracy on the sub is quite rare. It is low 2nd Order distortion that help give a much more accurate reproduction of the source compared to many other subwoofers. It really is something that really need to be experienced to understand the difference. It is a very complete system. I am extremely happy with the performance and if I need any more I would definitely be going back to Funk Audio for my next purchase.

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Junior Audioholic
Distortion Charts
Distortion at listening position in my room is in the 2nd and 3rd Photos

Distortion at the lowest point is about 0.17%
At it's highest point for the line arrays is about 1.77%
100hz to 2Khz is no higher than 0.562% Distortion

Distortion on the subwoofer is an average of about 1.77% to 5.6% THD

Nathan has better distortion figures because of less interaction and better positioning.

One Line Array in Nathan's Room 15 degrees off axis EQed Distortion in 7000 Cubic Feet Room about 4 Meters. - These Arrays are NOT designed in the first place for bass extension since I am using a subwoofer.

Line Array Pair Distortion (Crossover is at 100hz)
Distance from the Line Arrays to my head (listening position) is about 15’-2”

Subwoofer (Funk Audio 18.2) is located about 10’ away (Crossover is at 100Hz)


Imageshack Gallery

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Audioholic Samurai
very impressive ... congratulations and enjoy.


Audioholic Samurai
Very, very cool! A heck of a journey. And now, during your postpartum depression, you can just lay back and enjoy... without the mess. :)


Audioholic Ninja
Cool stuff. That last track is from Gundam Unicorn isn't it?


Audioholic Slumlord
How do you think these would compare to the Infinity Primus? :D

Truly top notch. Thanks for the pics. :)


Junior Audioholic
It's one of the best Universal Century entries IMO. Worth a weekend marathon.
Since I like the soundtrack. I will take a look :)
Should be awesome! I got to take a look at were to start on the whole Gundum series :confused:

Guess I should consider ghibli films too ;)
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Audioholic Ninja
Guess I should consider ghibli films too ;)
Overrated. Disney gave them some great dubs but most of them are just okay movies. If you're gonna watch any anime movies on this awesome system of yours, I'd be looking at They were 11 or Satoshi Kon's stuff (Millenium Actress, Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers). Or not. None of those movies match up to a decent length series like Gankutsuou or Honey & Clover.
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Junior Audioholic
Overrated. Disney gave them some great dubs but most of them are just okay movies. If you're gonna watch any anime movies on this awesome system of yours, I'd be looking at They were 11 or Satoshi Kon's stuff (Millenium Actress, Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers). Or not. None of those movies match up to a decent length series like Gankutsuou or Honey & Clover.
I will definitely look those up tonight after work. Thanks :D

Now I just need a few audioholics to join me for a few movies. It's only a bit lonely in a large theator ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Excellent. Do you miss not having the center speaker? Or haven't even noticed ?
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I enjoy Ghibli films (and many others as well). Boo to english dubs though :mad:


Junior Audioholic
Excellent. Do you miss not having the center speaker? Or haven't even noticed ?
When the line arrays are placed for imaging. I did not feel it was necessary.

It would be nice to have a line array center ;)

I am thinking of a acoustically transparent screen and possibly a way to further improve performance.

I definitely got some plans ;)

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