You will have some annoyance due to HDMI handshake issues. There will be delays on changing inputs, because of the repeater architecture. HDMI is not a simple connection like the good old days. There are handshakes going to and fro between device, pre/pro or receiver and the screen. This involves some latency. This latency will not only involve the pre/pro but the peripherals and the the TV.
Now all this devices are virtually all low budget Linux computers and varying response speeds.
I can tell you as the owner of quite a few devices, that performance speed is all over the map. There is I have noted a correlation between higher and lower end, with cheaper BD boxes being slow, and also TV DVRs to an extent.
I use a Marantz 8003 in my main system and this is older now and I really like it. It is very stable. All systems are pretty fast with acceptable latency. My BD is OPPO, and the TV a high end Panasonic. The least latency comes from my built and designed HTPC, which is much faster than anything else. So that tells me a lot of latency comes from the peripherals. In my two other systems I use cheaper Panasonic BD. Latency is noticeable longer but tolerable
As far as Pre/pros. I have a Marantz 8003 and it is very stable. Video and audio is excellent. One other system is a vintage electronic system largely with work arounds, but actually performs very well with low latency.
The other system is build round a Marantz 7003, just under 2 years old. You can see Marantz starting to decline from financial sqeeze. Subs do not work in two channel mode, so you have to use a third channel, or trick it into thinking there is one. It otherwise performs well, except it is not entirely stable. Settings seem to change for no good reason, especially the trigger settings, which is annoying.
Last week the batteries in the remote started to get low, and that really made some false commands and changed settings. In fact it caused havoc, and took me almost two hours to sort it all out. This is all part of the sign to me that as this industry contracts things are going to hell.
I'm already researching for when my 8003 finally fails. My plan is to build my own pre/pro. Some have done this already, but it is a steep climb and not cheap at the moment.
Unfortunately I expect equipment to get more expensive if it is any good, in fact I expect gear that is really any good to get mega expensive, and the cheaper stuff to get to be largely an exercise in frustration.
One piece of evidence. We have a thread about a Denon 200 that shuts down at the preferred level of the owner, where an old Sony does not. Denon say he is overtaxing their junk. A sign of the times unfortunately.
I'm becoming more convinced we are heading back to the 1950s when if you wanted decent good performing gear, you built it yourself. These enthusiasts often when on to found the finest audio companies the world has ever known.
Philosophically, I have never left that era. I know some will feel that strange, but I return to that ethos, would likely be the best thing that could happen to this hobby.