Diet and health, any a-holics secrets???



Full Audioholic
A lot of good points from above. Good going all.

Anybody tried the IP diet yet? I lost 35 lbs in 5 months and so far it's staying off. Wifey lost 30 too.

Pretty much what lmcLoud was saying too.
No sugars of any kind either from drinks or fruit.
8oz of any non-skin, non-fried meat per day + as much raw, steamed or broiled vegetables as you want.
Nothing white. No bread, pasta, rice, potato, etc. Egg whites are ok.
Lots of water, no soda of any kind, fruit juices, dairy or alcohol.
Occasional Crystal Light or drinks made with Stevia for sweetner.

They also try to get you to buy their packaged products but you can do it without them if you just eat less as also pointed out above.
Some of their products are pretty tasty for diet food for when you crave for a snack or something.
Once you get through the first week it's not bad at all.
Heck I spend a lot of money on other kind of stuff all the time, figured I'd spend it on me this time so I could actually see it.
Biggest cost was for the visit to the mentor and the first few batches of food from them. Less than $500.

And another big grocery bill for my wife and I is only half of what it used to be.
We don't eat near as much, even when we go out to restaurants we can just order appetizer sizes and we're full.


Audioholic Ninja
Good point Go, you will save a ton of money on groceries. I am saving money on just going out to eat...


Junior Audioholic
Our bodies are amazing machines, you can't imagine how strong we can get, but as long as you know nothing is for free, I have a receding hairline, and a stack of shoulder x-rays to prove it... And I am SURE the future will punish me more, liver and kidney damage, heart damage, who knows what will show up? Its a weird situation not something I would want my sons to do, but I think I would do it all over again given the chance..
If you don't mind answering I would be curious as to why given the chance you would do it all over again? What is/was the upside?


Audioholic Ninja
If you don't mind answering I would be curious as to why given the chance you would do it all over again? What is/was the upside?
The upside was the lifestyle, the performance my body was/is capable of, the fun I had getting here... Like I said I don't have {many}side effects from my previous lifestyle, the future will tell if I did any long term damage.. So really the only down side is what may happen in the future, I live clean now and still enjoy my time in the gym... I can get hit by a bus tomorrow and that wouldnt even matter, enjoy your life now... I was lucky to keep healthy liver kidneys and heart, it was a gamble but I am sure I took a few years off the top, just from working out as heavy as I did and do is not good for anyones heart...

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