Thanks for he link, and I read it. 500W is likely marginal based on the following assumptions.
1. Your speaker's sensitivity is 90 dB/W at 1 meter (you know for every 3 dB above or below your calculated power requirement will change by a factor of 2X or 0.5X.
2. You listened to at least 110 dB plus for some movie tracks per your post (implied).
3. Ignore the spl contribution by your subs.
4. You sit at 3 meter from your front speakers.
5. Your room gain is 3 dB.
6. Your amps are not current limited so ignore the effects of 4 ohm speakers vs 8 ohms.
If you use the Crown audio calculator, you would need:
Amplifier Power Required Calculator
900W, or 1796W to have 3 dB headroom as recommended by Crown.
With 3 dB room gain, that reduces to 447W (from my own spreadsheet) or 894W with 3 dB headroom.
Since you likely have super subs helping and have at least 5 speakers so 500W is fine, but could still clip at times during peaks whether the effects are audible or not, hence "marginal". Turn the volume down a little, everything will be perfect.