First: Huge Thumbs Up for "
The Wire"
Ok, Saw two movies today
Divergent - Just like bad copy of hunger games, but more boring and makes even less sense - skip it
Cap't Amurika - Der Winter Soldat - Actually not bad at all - great FX and decent acting - Worth Rent for sure and not too shabby for add this one to the collection
The Zero Theorem (2013) - If you loved
Brazil - you would love this movie. Very unusual, dark and similar in style to Brazil/Dark City. Outstanding Acting
Back to TV:
Longmire - great end of season 3 - really good show.
Suits just ended season 4. I haven't seen last ep) but so far the season is becoming much for soapy and it's very disappointing.
True Detective - If you haven't seen - do yourself a big favor - get it and watch it - ABSOLUTE GEM !!!
Half and Catch fire - Not bad story and great acting, but starting to have more "drama/soap" than I would prefer to have in show about PC history