I have inherited the following stereo equipment over the years and my wife wants me to thin it out, yard sell it, donate it etc...
(I think its might be worth keeping, but am no expert). It all looks good and seems to work.
Yamaha C-2x and B-2x Pre-Amp and Amp, Denon DP62L Turntable with 2 AT106 ML carts, Teac X2000-R reel to reel, Yamaha K-1020 Cassette, Adcom GFA-5400 amp and GTP-502 Tuner, Klipsch Hearsey speakers and Vienna Acoustic Mozarts speakers.
I would like to set it up and maybe dust off the old albums, or buy some new ones.
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Is this stuff matched up ok? If I kept it, I was concerned about the power wattage from the amps and the speakers. That Yamaha B2x seems like it would blow the speakers I have through the roof!