If I had a P7 and a OPPO 105...Would not the "analog" nature of the P7 serve to my advantage, because then I dont use, need to go through, all the digital filters/processors, which may be inferior, and take advantage of the OPPOs excellent DAC?
Why would I want to pay for all these Digital whatevers in both a pre amp and my Source/SACD player?
Is there advantages to hooking up the OPPO via HDMI to my pre-amp...which i assume the P7 is incapable of?
Doesnt HDMI converst DSD to PCM via an HDMI?
Was this written before we had great units like OPPO, with all the latest format/ DAC capabilities?
Thank you so much, I am thinking of buying the P7. I currently run a B&K analog, 2 channel, with a Pioneer Elite SACD/DVD-A. I like the fact that the preamp is delivering what the SACD player is suppose to be delivering, via analog. Am I missing something by not having HDMI? I spoke with B&K, and they tell me that I am listening to Hi resolution in this manner, that the SACD player, via analog, is providing SACD quality.