Hi, first post for me and glad to be here. Like a lot of noobs I am looking for advice on system upgrades etc. Currently I find my listening room to be ~10x15x8. So pretty small. I like to listen pretty loud; far above normal conversation but not obscene by any means. I don't get complaints from the wife if she is on the other side of the house. First and foremost I am a music lover and can't live without it. I don't know if that makes me an audiophile... Mostly pop, rock, vocals, you name it. My setup is pretty old and I picked it up piecemeal by scouring classified ads etc
Bryston 4b (pretty old but a brute; pre-toroidial transformers IIRC)
Perreaux pre-amp
Audio Alchemy CD Transport
PS Audio Digital Link II DAC
Rega RP1 turntable (most recent purchase; considering the upgrade kit)
Def Tech BP10s
I am underwhelmed by my system. Vocals on the BP10s can be sweet but highs and mids can get really harsh and fatiguing IMHO. Bass is lacking what I need. What would you do? Is it the speakers? Now I have been mainly looking at speakers online (under 2 grand) and do not know if my small room would benefit from monitors: LS50s, Aperion, PSB, Paradigms. Will these require a subwoofer for real low end? Also mid-size towers seem like a possibility as well from similar makers including Monitor Audio and Salk. OR am I polishing a turd here? Is it time to upgrade everything? Is any of this stuff "a keeper"? Could I spend about the same money on modern gear and have more time and pleasure listening (my end goal)?
Thanks for your input and don't worry about hurting my feelings but I am a noob...
cheers to all