DEQ and Anthems bug issues are why I didn't get the Anthem 510. I know it has a Dolby equivalent of DEQ, but I'm hesitant as to whether it'll be as good as or not.
One of my friends have an Anthem 710. He doesn't normally use any Dolby Volume or Dolby Volume Leveler. But I asked him to turn it on for me in his 5.2 system. I can't say I heard much of a significant difference. Maybe a little difference. But I can't say it sound better. He is not as familiar with Dolby Volume as I am with DEQ, so we didn't play with it for too long. Afterwards, he turned Dolby Volume OFF completely because he didn't like it.
Dolby Volume "leveler" just doesn't seem to instill that warm fuzzy feeling for me.
I just don't trust the world "Volume" even with the word "Leveler" after it.
That is why Audyssey distinguishes between Dynamic Volume (dynamic compression, which is bad) vs Dynamic EQ (none of that dynamic compression).
I have compared Dynamic Volume vs DEQ a lot. Dynamic Volume compresses the high level or dynamics, so you lose a lot on sounds that are very dynamic. But on highly compressed sound, it seemed to work just fine.
Dynamic EQ is a jewel to me. I've already praised the heck out of it, so I'll leave it there.
So based on my limited exposure to Dolby Volume Leveler, I find Audyssey Dynamic EQ king of the EQ.
I still bypass the Audyssey Room correction for my main speakers, though. The other speakers get Audyssey Flat, which is almost as good as Bypass.
I didn't ask him about the Anthem "bugs". What are they?