A couple weeks ago, I reported on my flea market purchase of a 1968 25 WPC Lafayette stereo receiver for the grand sum of $5. Much to my surprise, I plugged it in and it worked. Since then, I took off the cabinet, de-dusted the inside, patched the precarious power cord and cleaned up all the contacts. Historically - I had a decent all analog system with a Carver amp, NAD preamp, 1980’s Dual table and Vandersteen speakers. It got hit by lightning, wiped out the electronics and since then the table and speakers (which survived) have been running on a retired Yamaha HT receiver, sort of in a holding pattern.
The interesting question - This Lafayette receiver has resurrected the analog system…cleaned up this thing really sounds great, provided that you don’t push too hard with its 25 WPC. It has revitalized some of my old, worn vinyl disks (the sort you also find in flea markets). Granted, the best analog I ever heard was in a store in Soho NYC, cost $100,000 and damn well should have sounded great. Nevertheless, on well recorded disks, this system now sounds like there’s a bunch of musicians in my living room. I guess you don’t really need to spend 100K, but just how low CAN you go? Given some decent speakers, good input and clean connections (the wires I am using were the best that Radio Shack sells, $50 all told), what can you do with a cheap amp? The Vandersteens are really nice, but could I drive them with an old boom box? When I compare this sound to the $100K Soho system, sure it’s not THAT good, but then I didn’t pay $40K for an amplifier. Will any decent amp sound good in the right setting?