OK, schmaltzy as it seems, I've been scarfing up any and all Command Records from the early 60's where-ever I find them. Heck, for a buck you can't go wrong. Partially out of warn fuzzy memories of my ute in the early days of stereo but, as of late, I've actually started to develop a fondness for this type of music. Brassy, glitzy, clear and, yes, with an exaggerated stereo effect (That's what made Command famous) and it's actually fun to listen to.
Now, I find that some enterprising people have put some of the more famous recordings on CD. That actually sound pretty durn good, and with no cracks, ticks, or pops that come with 55 year-old recordings, they sound pretty durn fresh. A few cuts have some hiss but, on the whole, they sound as good as I remember from way back when.
If you're interested, and you can't beat it for the price,
here ya go. hint: You don't HAVE to use Prime.