I have talked about Pre-amps on here the last few weeks and want to get some last minute opinions before I make a decision.
Not looking to debate the two. Just want to know which one you think would be the choice for you. Yes I know we all hear things in different ways, but we all use reviews as a base line.
Parasound P5 $1098.00
Emotiva XPS-1 GEN 2 $999.00
I don't really need a DAC or Balanced connections. These are bonus items. I do need Bass management. Putting all the importance on sound, in your opinion which unit has the better playback. My definition of better is a unit that is not BRIGHT sounding. I lean towards the warmer sound of Harman Kardon... FYI.. I feel I do hear a difference in equipment.
As some reference, I found that my Marantz PM8004 and HK3490 had a better sound than my Emotiva USP-1... However the USP-1 had a cleaner sound to it.
If you were buying today, which of the above two would be the one to get?