I found this link, while there is no guarantee that it is 100% accurate, I have little reason to believe it isn't
Although every Halo model offers balanced connections with XLR plugs, they are not FULLY differential and balanced. This means that they are not true balanced machines. This can be quite confusing to people who are unfamiliar with balanced connections, their design, concept, and operations. To learn more about balanced connections, flip through the Halo C1 or C2 manuals. Parasound actually gives a good basic discussion of balanced connections and to what extent they are included on Halo equipment.
General balanced concept: The design of balanced cables and jacks allows for noise rejection over long cable runs. A good summary is that Parasound partially balanced connectors keep the signal balanced from the external jack all the way through an XLR cable to the other end, providing noise rejection in those components. But because the design doesn't keep it balanced after it ENTERS the Parasound unit, it is not fully balanced. Bottom line, you'll get good noise rejection capability, but not as much as you would if it were fully balanced the last little bit.