Odds are they are stealing power from your mains, but you have to understand that with your front 3 speakers, not accounting for room gain, in order to reach THX reference levels (average not peak) you only need about 1 watt if you're sitting 12 feet away. Lets be clear that the majority of people don't listen to anything at THX reference level since they find it wayyyyy too loud. Basically this means that once everything is calibrated by Audyssey, if you turn it up to 0 (or whatever that equates to on the other scale) you're using about a watt per speaker for your front 3 speakers and even less for your surrounds unless there's a big peak. Furthermore, the power requirements will never be maximum for all 5 speakers at once, that's just not realistic for 99.9999% of source material. With efficient speakers, your power requirements are so minimal to get to where you need to be that's it's almost laughable for someone to suggest you'll overdrive those things, unless you're being careless or abusive with them. Your eardrums will probably blow before the speakers or amp will.
So no, don't biamp anything. Especially since it's not really doing anything anyways. Active bi-amping is another story, but that ain't what's being suggested.