When you do, note that the A23, rated 125WX2 has the following power supply specs:
850 VA transformer, 48,000 uf capacitance, versus
XPA-2, rated 300WX2:
1,200 VA transformer, 45,000 uf capitance, and
XPA-3, rated 200WX3:
850 VA transformer, 60,000 uf capitance.
You can see that the A23 has more generous power supply capacity for its rated output power, relative to XPA amps.
The Halo A23 has balanced inputs.
Again, you Pioneer Elite should be capable of 100WX2 and probably 150WX2 into 4 ohms. That's enough to drive your 805 for serious Stereo music enjoyment. However, you will likely perceive better sound quality from the A23 as Placebo effect can be highly effective when you are already thinking Class A and balanced connections. The A23 will get you the taste of both, so you are well prepared to be biased, in a positive way.